Period Leave – Should your Business Introduce Leave for those Suffering Menstrual Pain? For too long period pain has been a taboo subject. To compete with men women (and anyone[…]
Redundancy What does redundancy actually mean? Redundancy is a potentially fair reason to dismiss any employee. It is a very commonly used word, but the technical legal meaning refers to[…]
Breaking the Class Ceiling The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the issue of social inequality into sharp focus. Employees in low status, low paid jobs have been disproportionally affected by the[…]
‘Being dismissed for misconduct can have a devastating impact on an employee’s future job opportunities, before fairly dismissing someone for misconduct, employers must be able to show that they reasonably believe[…]
April is usually the month when the Government introduces new employment legislation, and in recent years has announced its commitment to introducing significant new rights, such as neo-natal leave and[…]
The recent High Court decision in USDAW v Tesco Stores Limited (2022) has highlighted the challenge to employers who seek to change an employee’s terms and conditions. Employers are often[…]
Redundancies – How to do them fairly and lawfully (take note P&O Ferries)
Uncategorised Mar 21, 2022
Redundancy What does redundancy mean? Redundancy is a potentially fair reason to dismiss any employee. It is a commonly used word, but the technical legal meaning refers to only three[…]
On 6 April 2020 the Government introduced parental bereavement leave entitling employees who have suffered a still birth after 24 weeks or the death of a child up to the[…]
The law gives five potentially fair reasons for dismissal, including breach of a statutory duty or restriction and some other substantial reason capable of justifying dismissal. The most commonly used[…]
As the Omicron variant continues to cause an increase in COVID cases the UK Government has once again advised those who can work from home to do so. This raises[…]