PROCEDURE IN EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNAL CASES NOTES FOR EMPLOYEES The aim of this short note is to give you some idea about what to expect from an Employment Tribunal case. The Employment Tribunal Service (0300 123 1024) also publishes useful booklets called “How to apply to an Employment Tribunal” and “Hearings at Employment Tribunals”. […]
In a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court UBER Drivers have been held to be workers for the purpose of the National Minimum Wage and Working Time Regulations. This decision will have significant repercussions for all those working in the “Gig” economy and solidifies the increasing trend towards worker status for those working in industries[…]
The rollout of the vaccination programme has been welcomed as the beginning of the end for the Covid-19 pandemic. For many employers, ensuring their workforce is vaccinated is an important step in getting their business back to operating as usual. However, the effects of ‘vaccine hesitancy’ and the anti-vaccine movement may mean that some employees[…]
A number of changes are in the pipeline in 2021 which businesses must prepare for now. Here’s what to look out for in this coming year: COVID-19 Lockdown III. New COVID restrictions came into force on 6 January 2021 requiring workers to once again work from home if they can. Despite[…]
Lockdown III Following the announcement of a third national lockdown for England and Scotland Regulations have now come into force in England . Key points for employers to note are as follows: Many businesses will be required to close during the lockdown and others will obviously suffer a severe downturn in demand. The Chancellor has announced a[…]
We are open and here to support you and your business during this further lockdown period
LATEST NEWS Jan 06, 2021
It is time to refresh HR policies and practices for 2021 2020 was a tumultuous year with employers having to respond rapidly to the challenges of the pandemic. Culturally the world has shifted too, with the Black Lives Matter movement bringing momentum to improving equality and diversity at work. The end of the Brexit transition[…]
Recent Decision of Taylor v Jaguar confirms no medical procedure necessary to establish gender reassignment protection.
LATEST NEWS Dec 02, 2020
The Birmingham Employment Tribunal has decided that a non-binary/gender fluid male to female transitioner did have protected characteristic of gender reassignment despite not having undergone any medical procedure in the case of Taylor v Jaguar. Ms Taylor worked for Jaguar as an engineer. In 2017, she informed management that she was transitioning from male to female.[…]
While some people are enjoying working from home, this is not the case for everyone and the negative impacts over several months are taking a toll on some employees. ‘Employers are unsure of their responsibilities for mental health and how to deal with performance issues, when the boundary between home and work has become blurred,’[…]
On December 31st 2020 the transition period shall end and the UK will leave the EU, potentially without a deal. Below are some early indicators of how this affect UK employment law, although of course much remains to seen. Equality Laws The Equality Act 2010 implements the UK’s laws against discrimination and is primary legislation.[…]