Mulberry’s In-House is an innovative service providing you with experienced employment lawyers whenever you need them, or on an ongoing basis, like having an In-House employment team, without the cost.[…]
Shared parental leave is a new and creative way for parents to share statutory family leave and pay on the birth of a child. It has replaced the additional paternity[…]
Equality law recognises that bringing about equality for disabled people may mean changing the way in which employment is structured, the removal of physical barriers and/or providing extra support for[…]
Shared Parental Leave is a new right that will enable eligible mothers, fathers, partners and adopters to choose how to share time off work after their child is born or[…]
Employers could be liable to pay pension contributions to employees that are found to have been unfairly dismissed and have lost out on pension rights as a result. However, in[…]
1. National minimum wage reform The government is to propose to the Low Pay Commission that there should be a single national minimum wage rate for apprentices and 16-17 year[…]
National Minimum Wage: adult rate increases to £6.50; 18-20-year-old rate increases to £5.13; 16-17-year-old rate increases to £3.79; apprentice rate increases to £2.73. HMRC’s publicity surrounding the 2014 increases stresses[…]
The Ministry of Justice has today published statistics on tribunal claims for the period April-June 2014. The figures show that the total number of single claims in the employment tribunal[…]
The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has published a guide for employers on the new right to unpaid time off to accompany a pregnant woman to ante-natal appointments. The[…]
Employer Justified in Not Paying Enhanced Pay for Additional Paternity Leave
LATEST NEWS Sep 04, 2014
In Shuter v Ford Motor Co Ltd ET Case No.3203504/13 an employment tribunal has held that an employer did not discriminate by paying only the statutory rate of additional paternity[…]