The Equality & Human Rights Commission has published new Guidance for employers on their legal obligations to employees experiencing the menopause. The Guidance can be read here and contains a number of useful explainer videos. Crucially it states that : If menopause symptoms have a long term and substantial impact on a woman’s ability to carry out[…]
The Government has published its response to the consultation on the draft statutory Code of Practice on Dismissal and Re-engagement, which ran from 24 January to 18 April 2023. The Government has presented an updated draft Code, along with an explanatory memorandum, to Parliament for approval. The Code sets out how employers should act when seeking[…]
Before the pandemic working from home was mainly the preserve of those who since the inception of the lap-top and WIFI combination could work remotely from anywhere (Brexit aside). It seemed the ideal lifestyle providing freedom, flexibility and autonomy to those lucky enough to be either self-employed or working for those who had the foresight[…]
From October 2024, new legislation will require employers to take “reasonable steps” to prevent the sexual harassment of their employees (Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act). The new law was primarily introduced to protect women but will apply to people of all genders. Tribunals are also being given the power to uplift sexual[…]
The Labour Party has produced a campaign document outlining its proposed policies if elected to power in the forthcoming general election which is due to take place later this year. The document headed – Let’s get Britain’s future back sets out some of its proposed policies if it were to be elected into government. Those[…]
In July 2023 the Government published a consultation paper which proposed a number of reforms in the areas of working time, paid holiday rights and rights upon the transfer of a business or an outsourcing. On 8 November 2023, the Government published its response to the Consultation, setting out which reforms will be taken forward together[…]
We will be closing on Friday 22nd and re-opening on Tuesday 2 January 2024. We wish everyone, everywhere a peaceful and happy Christmas and successful and joyful 2024.
As the saying goes, “Never discuss politics or religion.” But we all do. The anonymity of social media encourages polarised positions and vicious comments that can be shared instantly with millions. Personal beliefs unique to a particular life experience might, in the past, have remained unknown and unexamined. Increasingly however they find an audience and[…]
Draft Statutory Instrument amending the Working Time and TUPE Regulations
Uncategorised Nov 21, 2023
The Government has laid before parliament a Draft Statutory Instrument amending the Working Time and TUPE Regulations which can be viewed here The amendments provide for the following changes: Amendments to clarify the requirement to keep records in respect of working time; Working Time Regulation (WTR) Amendments which restate and set out EU rights that[…]
Last week in the Guardian it reported that “sexual harassment and misogyny are allowed to go unchecked at City firms because women have a “fear factor” over speaking out and do not trust human resource departments, MPs have been warned.” The article referred to a fresh inquiry launched into sexual harassment in the City, following[…]