BIS has issued a press release containing commencement dates for some of the changes introduced by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 , which received Royal Assent yesterday. On 25 June 2013 the following will come into force:- the new tribunal procedural rules (final version not yet available) changes to whistleblowing laws (introducing a[…]
Yesterday (24 April), the government introduced yet a further concession into clause 27 of the Growth and Infrastructure Bill and, last night, the House of Lords voted to accept the clause (having rejected it twice). Employee Shareholders will now become law – Royal Assent is expected today and BIS intends to implement this new, third,[…]
The Department for Business Innovation and Skills has announced a new implementation timetable for the major employment law reforms, many of which had originally been intended to come into force in April 2013. Coming into force in summer 2013 : protected settlement conversations; 12 month earning cap on compensatory award; revised (Underhill) employment tribunal procedural[…]
Acas has issued a new booklet on how to handle collective redundancies following the Government’s changes to the rules on collective redundancy consultation, including a reduction in the minimum consultation period from 90 days to 45 days when 100 or more redundancy dismissals are proposed within 90 days. Among other things, the Guide sets out[…]
A range of employment law changes take effect in April 2013. Perhaps the most important is the reduction in the minimum consultation period where an employer proposes 100 or more redundancies at one establishment within 90 days. The minimum consultation period falls from 90 to 45 days. The scope of the collective redundancy consultation rules[…]
The government has announced further amendments to the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill, to stengthen the protection available to whistleblowers. The proposed amendments will:- • make employers vicariously liable for detriments by one worker towards another because they have made a protected disclosure • but introduce a ‘statutory defence’, to protect employers who take all[…]
In R (on the application of T) v Chief Constable of Greater Manchester and ors the Court of Appeal has held that the statutory criminal record checking scheme (now the responsibility of the Disclosure and Barring Service) is incompatible with Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). The Court held that while[…]
Changes to TUPE The Government has issued a consultation on proposed changes to the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006, formulated in response to the ‘call for evidence’ that concluded in 2012. One of the most significant proposed changes is to repeal the ‘service provision change’ coverage, under which contracting out, contracting in[…]
Is it within the range of reasonable responses for an employer to refuse to undertake further investigations which would support the account of an employee accused of gross misconduct? Usually not, says the EAT in Stuart v London City Airport, as a reasonable employer will normally investigate such matters unless there is a good reason[…]
In its response to its consultation on the collective redundancy rules, the Government has announced that the current 90-day minimum consultation period where employers are proposing to make 100 or more redundancies at one establishment will be reduced to 45 days. The Government believes that this will give businesses the flexibility to respond to changing[…]