Asking job applicants and employees about their health: how to stay on the right side of the law When recruiting and managing employees, employers want to know that their employees are up to the job and in the post COVID world, whether might they pose a risk to other employees, clients or customers. While asking[…]
Asking job applicants and employees about their health: how to stay on the right side of the law
Uncategorised Jul 11, 2022
Enforcing Restrictive Covenants The recent decision in Planon Ltd v Gilligan [2022] has highlighted the problems of enforcing restrictive covenants – an important strategy employers use to prevent a leaving employee from soliciting work in a similar field within a certain geographical area and for a certain length of time, firstly within the employment contract[…]
Last month’s statement by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission that “long Covid ” should not be treated as a disability, gave rise to a media storm and panic for many employees who suffer from this condition and are struggling to have their needs met in the workplace. In a landmark decision on 20th June the[…]
I suspect many of you have been there. You have an employee who you suspect is abusing the company sick pay scheme. You believe they are not really sick or that they avoiding a forthcoming disciplinary or capability hearing. Whilst you may well be right, should you take any decision which will detrimentally affect that[…]
The Equal Pay Gap affecting the LGBTQ+ community The BBC recently reported in its Worklife feature that a decade after graduation employees from the LGBTQ+ community in the US earn 22% less than their straight counterparts according to findings from Social Science Research Network in April 2022. Stark and shocking figures. Higher than the equal[…]
Working from home/hybrid working: Wellbeing and Mental Health of Employees
Uncategorised Jun 08, 2022
While some people continue to enjoy working from home, this is not the case for everyone and negative impacts continue to take a toll on some employees as the shift to hybrid and remote working has continued to remain in place for many workers since the COVID 19 pandemic. Indeed, remote and hybrid working is likely[…]
The subject of pay is always a hot topic and requires sensitive handling. Employees feel they need more, due to the rising costs of living, or believe they deserve more due to increased responsibilities or experience. Meanwhile, employers are under pressure to cut costs while seeking to attract the best people with an attractive package. […]
Period Leave – Should your Business Introduce Leave for those Suffering Menstrual Pain? For too long period pain has been a taboo subject. To compete with men women (and anyone with a uterus) have had to conceal their menstrual pain and to take sick leave if it means they are unfit to work. It has[…]
Redundancy What does redundancy actually mean? Redundancy is a potentially fair reason to dismiss any employee. It is a very commonly used word, but the technical legal meaning refers to only three types of situation: A business closure, A workplace closure, and Reduction of workforce (reduction in headcount). The dismissal of an employee will be[…]
Breaking the Class Ceiling The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the issue of social inequality into sharp focus. Employees in low status, low paid jobs have been disproportionally affected by the economic downturn and are less likely to recover financially in the aftermath – hardships that may affect generations to come. The current UK government promotes[…]